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Morgan County Sheriff's Office reports

Sep 05, 2023

On May 27, warrants for felony fleeing and attempting to elude, reckless driving, taillights required and wrong way driver were issued against Christopher Rayshon Brown, 18, Augusta. According to reports, a deputy stated that at 4:50 a.m., he responded to a dispatch report of a reckless driver eastbound on Interstate 20. The deputy positioned himself in the area of Monticello Road and allegedly observed a vehicle matching the dispatch description make a series of dangerous, rapid lane changes, driving at nearly twice the speed of other vehicles. The deputy attempted to perform a traffic stop on the vehicle which was traveling at greater than 120 miles per hour, according to reports. At Exit 121, the vehicle made a sudden exit and slowed before coming to a violent stop in the emergency lane. The vehicle then made a u-turn and began traveling the wrong way down the exit ramp. The deputy was unable to follow. The vehicle eventually began traveling east bound on Interstate 20 and Greene County deputies were notified. Reports state that Greene County deputies continued to chase Brown into Warren County when Brown's vehicle crashed.

On May 25, Willie Michael Williford, 68, Madison, was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana. Williford was arrested at Country Boy's RV park, Eatonton Road. No other information regarding the arrest was available.

On May 25, an entering auto complaint was filed at a Shoals Court residence. According to reports, a man reported that a surveillance camera captured the image of a man entering the complainant's F-150 pickup truck parked in front of the complainant's garage. The man used his hoodie sleeve to open the door. The man then walked away to a waiting vehicle.

On May 25, a criminal trespass complaint was filed at a Prospect Road residence. According to reports, a man said his ex-wife had come onto his property after being told by a court to not have any contact with the complainant. The woman alleged that she had birthday presents for the couple's child.

On May 26, Lamarcus Lorenz Stokes, 25, Madison, was arrested and possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, possession of drug related objects, possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime, obstruction and headlight requirements. According to reports, following a traffic stop for no passenger side headlight on East Dixie Highway at 4 a.m., a deputy allegedly smelled marijuana coming from the vehicle. Reports state that during the traffic stop, Stokes allegedly continued to use his cell phone despite a deputy advising him to stop until the investigation was completed. After the deputy removed the cell phone, Stokes allegedly told the deputy that both a gun in the center console and a bag in the vehicle did not belong to him. Consequent to a search, the deputy noted that he found a loaded SAR9 9mm pistol with 16 bullets in the magazine and another in the gun's chamber. In a black bag in the vehicle the deputy allegedly located a digital gram sale and three individually package clear plastic bags that contained suspected marijuana. A painted pink glass jar was located that also contained suspected marijuana. A deputy noted that he also found a clear plastic bag with 42 $20 bills. Stokes told the deputy that the money was his and was from a tax refund but the other items did not belong to him.

On May 23, an entering auto complaint was filed at a West Main Street, Rutledge, residence. According to reports, a woman said someone had entered her 2018 Ford Edge and removed a pair of Apple AirPod Pros and a Smith and Wesson .380 caliber. The woman produced video of the theft which showed three individuals in masks enter the vehicle at 3:38 a.m.

On May 23, a criminal damage to property complaint was filed at a Prospect Road residence. According to reports, a woman said as she was picking up her son from a party on May 20 between midnight and 1 a.m. that had been organized to mourn the passing of a young man from a fentanyl overdose, when a group of young men in masks raised assault rifles and fired approximately 30 rounds towards the woman's vehicle. Some of the shots apparently damaged the vehicle, causing it not to start. The woman said she and her son had ducked and covered. She also told the deputy at the time of the shooting she was told "not to call the police." The woman left her vehicle behind but received permission from the property owner to retrieve the damaged vehicle.

On May 22, an information report was filed at an Athens Highway location. According to reports, a deputy responded to a FLOCK license reader alert that a U-Haul truck traveling in Morgan County had been reported stolen out of California. The deputy located the truck and was told by the driver that he had been hired by a company to move furniture from a Bishop, Ga. residence. A deputy confirmed with California authorities that the truck had been reported rented, not returned and stolen. The vehicle was impounded and the driver was released after showing a deputy text messages from the California company that hired him to make the move.

So how did the FLOCK reader get information that the UHaul was stolen? And what is being done to insure this mistake does not happen again? Did anyone at least apologize to the driver?

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warrants for felony fleeing and attempting to elude, reckless driving, taillights required and wrong way driver were issued against Christopher Rayshon Brown, 18, Augusta. Willie Michael Williford, 68, Madison, was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana. an entering auto complaint was filed at a Shoals Court residence. a criminal trespass complaint was filed at a Prospect Road residence. Lamarcus Lorenz Stokes, 25, Madison, was arrested and possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, possession of drug related objects, possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime, obstruction and headlight requirements. an entering auto complaint was filed at a West Main Street, Rutledge, residence. a criminal damage to property complaint was filed at a Prospect Road residence. an information report was filed at an Athens Highway location. Alan Grimsley Keep it Clean. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Don't Threaten. Be Truthful. Be Nice. Be Proactive. Share with Us.