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Sigma members talk about faith

Sep 01, 2023

Linda Palmer gave the program titled "Fingers Reaching Out To Sisters" for the Preceptor Sigma club. She's pictured here with a piece of paper called Desiderata, which talks about being on good terms with everyone.

Linda Palmer hosted the Monday May 22 meeting of the Preceptor Sigma chapter of BSP in her home in Montpelier.

President Peg Sanders reminded members that June 1 is the deadline date for entering International's poetry or photo contest.

Lucy Siebenaler announced that there would be an overnight stay over at Reenie Purk's camper on June 9 at 6 p.m. She also announced that there will be a picnic at Pokagon on July 18 with Envoys being invited. Time to be announced.

Sanders received a president's gift for her duties through out the year. The Mitzpah Award was presented to Marcy Rosendaul.

Installation of officers were installed for the 2023-2024 year. President – Peg Sanders, Vice President – Lucy Siebenaler, Recording Secretary – Linda Palmer, Corresponding Secretary – Christina Siebenaler, Treasurer – Marcy Rosendaul, and Extension Officer- Paula Kline.

Palmer's program was titled "Fingers Reaching Out To Sisters". She asked about what faith meant to each of us and that we should always live it. Palmer showed pictures she has hanging in her home that reminded her of this daily.

Palmer's mother had a glass jar and if there was a problem or something bothering her she would tell her to take it to the jar. She was to put what was bothering her or a prayer on a paper in the jar.

Her mother got very ill and Palmer took her to the doctor. After hearing the unfortunate results her mother left the room. The doctor gave Palmer a piece of paper called "Desiderata". This is one of the pictures she shared and it was found in Old Saint Paul's Church in Baltimore dated 1692. Her mother-in-law later gave the Desiderata picture to her for Christmas. It talks about being on good terms with all persons. And listen to all people because they all have a story of their own to tell.

It tells not to compare yourself to others. Enjoy your achievements and your dreams or plans. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. At the end of the Desiderata it says: With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful, strive to be happy.

The other picture she shared was "All I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten" by Robert Fulghum.

Ending her program she said faith is the certainty of things hoped for and the proof of the things we’ve not yet seen. She then gave each sister a glass jar with sayings like: Prayer is the answer, believe, pray more worry less, etc. with papers to write your prayers or things that bother you. Also in the jar was a key chain that said, A Sister is God's Way of Making Sure We Are Never Alone.

The members will gather at Peg Sander's home on June 8 at 6:30 p.m.

(Information courtesy of the club.)

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